Your attitude is who you are — Lunch with Cherry Fung, Regional Director of Hong Kong, Macau & Mongolia, Fortinet

Time Auction
3 min readOct 17, 2017


Lunch with Cherry has raised 70 volunteer hours

As Regional Director of Hong Kong, Macau, and Mongolia at Fortinet (the world’s fourth-largest network security company), Cherry is responsible for driving business and overseeing the three teams. She draws on 15+ years of experience in the IT industry, having previously worked at 3Com Corporation and H3C Technology Limited.

Over a delightful lunch at her office, we got to learn more about the global cyber-security and what it’s like to work in such an industry.

What is a life philosophy or motto that you live by?

“We need to be silly sometimes and we need to be kind and honest always.

Continuously learn new things, ask and seek advice from others. Also, we need to learn communicate with different people. It allows you to put yourself in other’s shoes and become more understanding.”

Is there a habit that has significantly improved your life?

“Listening to music — I listen to everything, from pop to Thai, depending on my mood that day. It inspires and relaxes me, especially when I’m driving home after a bad day at work.

Music inspires me how to overcome the problems that I’ve encountered.”

What is one action you want everyone can take away from meeting you today?

“Learn talking with people. We all have different stories and we can all learn from each other.

Spend more time to do voluntary work. As a baby, I lived with my grandmother because my parents had to work. Thus, I am quite concerned with social issues of the elderly. I enjoy doing home visits and playing games with them.”

How can someone impress you?

“I look at attitudes first because that’s what distinguishes people.

Qualification isn’t top priority, as new skills or knowledge can always be learned, but your attitude is part of who you are and what makes you different.”

Thank you Cherry for donating lunch, and to everyone who volunteered and took part in raising 74 volunteer hours for HandsOn Hong Kong, Faith in Love , AFS Intercultural Exchange and more!

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Time Auction

Written by Time Auction

Time Auction is a charity that advocates volunteerism. We encourage volunteering with inspiring experiences, while connecting skilled-volunteers with NGOs.

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