The Art of Living — Lunch with Sara Mao, Head of Sale of Chinese Paintings, Christie’s

Time Auction
3 min readJun 6, 2017
Sara donating lunch and raising 74 volunteer hours

Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The Time Auction Blog is a snippet of our meetings with people who have found passion in their life and career, where we get a glimpse into their mentality and attitude behind their ventures and stories.

From Chinese antiques to paintings that are auctioned for over 100 million HKD, Sara Mao, Specialist and Head of Sale of Chinese Paintings at Christie’s, shared with us the art of collecting and the art of finding your a passionate career over lunch and a tour of the Christie’s exhibition.

What’s your life motto?

“Being kind and having gratitude is invaluable. I think that my life motto has always been to

set priorities, work towards your goals, and surround yourself with good people.

I am very blessed to be surrounded by supportive family and friends. I will always be indebted to those who have helped me and opportunities that have come my way.”

What were you like in your 20s and what wisdom would you want to impart on current twenty-somethings?

“When I was 25, I had just started my job. My mindset was that I wanted to learn as much as I possibly could and be exposed to as many opportunities as I was given. I was very open to trying new things, but I also had a list of goals I wanted to achieve by 30. One of the challenges I faced was balancing career ambitions with the value, time, and effort I wanted to place on my personal life.”

Sara showing with us her favorite painting by Zhang Daqian

How can someone impress you?

“It’s important for people to be authentic and genuine, to willingly open themselves up, and share their thoughts. I always tell people that it doesn’t cost anything to be nice, or to smile and be grateful for what you have.”

Finally, what is a message you would like us to take away from meeting you?

“In every stage of our lives we have different challenges and questions that we ask ourselves.

There is not one right answer that fits every situation.

Rather, have a good sense of who you are and where you’re headed. Keep challenging and keep finding yourself.”

Thank you Sara for giving us some of your valuable time and showing us around Christie’s, and thanks to everyone who volunteered and took part in raising 74 volunteer hours!

For upcoming opportunities, visit Time Auction to volunteer and meet inspiring mentors.



Time Auction

Time Auction is a charity that advocates volunteerism. We encourage volunteering with inspiring experiences, while connecting skilled-volunteers with NGOs.