A 360° view over Internet of Things — Pizza Time with Manav Gupta, CEO of Brinc

Time Auction
5 min readOct 6, 2017


Sometimes the most meaningful and inspiring conversations happen over casual meals. The Time Auction Blog is a snippet of our meetings with people who have found passion in their life and career, where we get a glimpse into their mentality behind their ventures.

A technology visionary, strategist, and serial entrepreneur, Manav runs at the forefront of the startup scene in South China — having raised a whopping $17.5M in venture capital for the IoT industry there.

With his company Brinc, he is driving deep consumer engagement in smart devices with products like soundbrenner — a body metronome, pilldrill — a medication tracking system, drone accelerators and other smart companions.

At their open space office in the historic PMQ building, we found ourselves surrounded by these smart devices, eating delicious pizza, and going through the years of Manav’s career: from manufacturing in Shenzhen, to managing distribution in Guangzhou and now diving into IoT here in HK!

We learned a lot about the digital future of China and so much more. Here are a few takeaways from the meeting:

What is your life motto or philosophy you live by?

I am very optimistic, I am very excited about the work we get to do, so I think you have to be very clear on your “why” — “Why you wake up everyday”. There were many days I wanted to sleep in and not get out of the bed, because we just have all our nights that get us very tired on the work we were doing. But usually what gets me up is the people we get to work with, the things we get to do. These are the triggers that wake me up very early.

I don’t think there are any key models, but it’s more around the concept of optimism, and what that can bring for the work you do everyday. It’s your mental state of happiness.

What is the habit or method for you to handle stress?

Workout or eat chocolate. Sometimes, you can get lost in a particular problem, you need to just get out. Also, I tried to work from home in the morning, and I come in to the office usually after lunch. Sometimes we come in early, we had a meeting, but I found the time I get for myself, is when I did my best work, because I can actually think peacefully and quietly. I cannot be disturbed, because when you get to an environment or office, you have to work with everybody, it gets very hectic. Therefore, we infuse a very flexible work culture here. Lot of people get to have their time to do the “thinking work” — the hardest work.

“When you are stressed, get out; go think about it; release; come back.”

What is one habit that has significantly improved your life?

Having a good group of people you can talk to, who give you guidance about the things you may be struggling with. It could be your friends, family, your business partners, or someone you talked to about something that is nothing about the work. Therefore, you can look at the bigger picture.

I think stress is just because you can’t see the bigger picture, and not knowing there are more than one way to solve the problem. That’s what you always get struggled. If you can get out of your own way, you can probably relieve yourself, and by yourself, sometimes — without requiring anyone else.

Also, we do Digital Sabbath, they actually turn off their phone for 2 days, and they don’t stay connected. During that you are actually figuring out what you are thinking, because while we are highly connected, we are actually crazily unconnected — it’s a non-stop stream of madness, so you need to get away from everyone in once in awhile. The internet is great but it’s also crazy.

If you have to give a lesson on something unrelated to your current career, what would it be?

Get a pet. I think pet is the biggest de-stresser in the planet. They are very pure, they have no stress. They are just very simple lives, not crowded by anything complicated.

Having a group of friend who can hang out with is pretty awesome too.

I think you have to find your passion and the work you love to do, and try to be present in every moment if you can. Try to be in that moment. Like, when you play with your dog, play with your dog; if you are working, work; if you are chilling, try not to think about the other stuff.

What is one ask or action you want everyone to take away from meeting you?

Keep trying to give back. The most rewarding thing you do in life is, to be selfless and give it back.

A huge shout-out to Manav for hosting a night of great conversations and pizza, and along with our lovely volunteers for raising a total of 106 volunteer hours to Hands On Hong Kong, Youth Empact, KELY Support Group and more!

For more amazing opportunities to meet amazing people through volunteering and our mentor gatherings, visit Time Auction for all the details!



Time Auction

Time Auction is a charity that advocates volunteerism. We encourage volunteering with inspiring experiences, while connecting skilled-volunteers with NGOs.